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Monday, 2 June 2014

How To Set Adsense Ad in Your Site/Blog - PAKLeet

  • Hello Friends:- 
Sometimes you will notice that Google Ad-sense shows blank areas rather than Ads. It chiefly happens on b/websites having multi languages. If gawp Ad-sense unable  to show ads for any reason it\'ll show blank areas. Ad-sense has Associate in Nursing possibility known as ‘Show alternative ads from another URL‘ to utilize the blank areas. you\'ll be able to use affiliate ads as your backup ads.

When you produce a brand new ad unit, you\'ll realize Associate in Nursing possibility named Backup ads with default setting  ‘Show blank space’. however it\'s higher to use this area with affiliates ads to create some extra cash. currently i\'ll show you the way to create a backup ads. to line up a backup ads you wish to possess computer address link that contains your ads. Check the sample of my backup ads link http:// visit blogger/ads/ad_name.HTML  ( you\'ll realize it click-able).
Read: Filter/Block Ads and class to extend Ad-sense Revenue 
How to originated Ad-sense Backup Ads:
At first login your c Panel and create a folder on your domain . provides a name of this folder like ‘ads’ . If your name is ‘go to domain’ then you\'ll be able to access that folder with ‘go to domain/ads’ . you\'ll be able to save your all backup ads on this folder. currently all you wish {to do|to try to to|to try Associate in Nursingd do} is making an ads within the same height and dimension as Ad-sense ads.

To create Associate in Nursing ads create Associate in Nursing empty hypertext mark-up language file as ads_name.HTML . you\'ll be able to replace the ‘ads_name’ with another name for the ads. currently open the file paste the subsequent code

Put your affiliate link and image supply on the code and alter height and dimension in line with your ads. Once you have got save the file you\'ll be able to check your ads on visit domain/ads/ads_name.HTML . If everything is true then time to line up it as backup ads.

To set up backup ads login to your Ad-sense account. Edit the ad that you wish to line a backup ads. In Backup ads setting choose ‘Show alternative ads from another URL’ . it\'ll need a computer address link .


  1. Sir, I can Understand L) plzz upload the tutorial :)

  2. plz, mre saat yehii problem hw , ads kii place pe blank space showw hoo rhaa hw,,,


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